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3 Benefits of Business Security Systems

A business security camera system is an excellent way to keep your company safer during hours of operation and when it is closed. Whether you own a small or large business, this applies to you. In addition, such implementation enhances security in any company across the board, keeping an eye on both customers and employees. To be sure, such enhancements include:

• • Improving employee safety

• • Reducing inventory theft

• • Offering insurance discounts

Any reasonable business owner will agree that these three benefits will help lead any company to success. However, when you are an employer that values your brand, its standing, and each of your employees, security cameras simply are the improvement you are looking for. As will be shown in this post, surveillance not only keeps employees and customers safer but also prevents stealing and has the potential to reduce insurance rates.

Businesses in Dallas Fort Worth can attest to this, especially those that have had security camera systems installed by A1 Security Cameras implement their equipment. As some of the best installers in the area, we work to provide only the best security camera systems in Texas. However, for customers outside of our region and across the world, we have written this post to better inform you about the benefits that security cameras can bring to your business.

Employee safety

For any employer, policy can both prevent tragedy and make everything in a company run so much more smoothly. Security cameras are an effective tool for the enforcement of these guidelines. Surveillance, in general, produces outcomes like:

  • Can help improve employee performance

  • Encourages policy adherence

  • Helps monitor employee health

Helps spot failing equipment

When you are looking to improve employee performance, productivity, and manage a company, it can be understood when some things fall through the cracks. As shown by our post about indoor cameras, office spaces can experience several advantages through surveillance. Such an implementation indoors and outdoors allows managers to review employee performance.

Furthermore, security cameras can help enforce policy and safety protocols. Such may include managers reminding employees or contractors to wear hard hats and safety equipment on a given construction site. It may also look like behavioral adjustments by reprimanding employees who goof around or participate in horseplay.

Security cameras can benefit businesses more so by helping managers spot dangerous or failing equipment. As is commonly seen in examples like explosion-proof cameras, there is software that pairs with the devices and distinctly is meant for hazardous environments. Not only that, but surveillance can also help to detect employees that are sick or in need of medical attention. Both also apply to customers, allowing for a safer environment for anyone within a company.

Reduce inventory theft

Like how outdoor security cameras reduce property crimes, business security cameras similarly play a significant role in reducing crimes that plague businesses. However, what might disappoint employers is that many of the losses impacting companies are typically just as likely to come from staff and contractors. In this specific subject, benefits result in:

• • Reduced equipment loss

• • Monitoring of cash and valuables

• • Tracking of material or equipment

• • 24/7 monitoring

To some, these benefits might seem minor and might not even apply. However, such advantages can be an absolute blessing for many business owners. This is especially true when considering that according to Hire Power Associates, United States companies can lose up to 110 million dollars per day due to employee-related crimes. For companies around the globe, just 21% of employee fraud cases in 2020 led to over one million dollars in lost revenue, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. As unfortunately shown, companies regularly lose an immense amount of money due to the nefarious actions of their own employees.

Those numbers are further exasperated when considering equipment, materials, and appliances. Every year, up to one billion dollars in such is stolen, with less than 25% of being recovered. That fact becomes even more alarming when the detail that both employees and outside parties alike contribute significantly.

As now shown, security cameras can easily be an effective tool to help your company save money. Simply put, surveillance deters theft and crime committed by employees and criminals alike, especially when placed in the ideal locations. Furthermore, they allow for a daily record of operations executed on-site for later reference.

Insurance discounts

All the information presented is considered by some insurance companies, which lower rates for companies when possible after seeing security camera systems put in place. Whereas this does not necessarily apply to all providers, A1 Security Cameras has seen some rates receive discounts that amount to around 20%. That can distinctly help businesses of all sizes when the bottom line is concerned. The money saved on insurance can cover monthly monitoring costs and help promote a system that benefits all involved parties.

Contact A1 Security Cameras today when you have further questions on our products or services. Our team is professionally qualified to get the exact information you need on all of our products and help you find everything you need to build the best possible security camera system!


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