Information gathered from the sensors placed throughout the house is used to develop the behaviors. Behaviors are connected to sensors in certain areas, allowing Wellness to only provide you the information that is pertinent to your requirements. The dashboard is organized in an understandable Red, Yellow, and Green fashion to show how closely the day's actions adhered to the norm. The conduct that day was more out of the ordinary as compared to a regular day the further the arrow that points into one of the five divisions is from the Centre.
Just scroll over the arrow that corresponds to the desired behavior to compare the desired behavior directly to the average and day's behavior. This shows the actual data for the behavior as well as the average.
To view Wellness behaviors using the Customer app:
Log into the Customer app.
Tap Wellness.
Tap Behaviors.
The graph with display unusual, notable, and routine behaviors over the specified period of time.
To view Wellness behaviors using the Customer Website:
Log into the Customer Website.
Click Activity.
Click Wellness.
Click Behaviors.
The graph with display unusual, notable, and routine behaviors over the specified period of time.
Note: - Click See Behaviors from the Choose a View dropdown menu to display any potential abnormalities in a daily schedule.